Product Code:
Lab Pick and Place Robot Trainer
Robust construction
Sturdy design
Controlled by PLC
Displacement in 3 axes: X-Y-Z axis
Capable to pick and place objects
Variable jaw area
Selective object lift movement height
Bidirectional Stepper Motor 10Kg/cm², Shaft Length: 20.6 mm, Shaft
Diameter: 6.35 mm.
Bipolar Stepper Drivers Card Motor Supply voltage: 24 VDC, auto /
manual, enable – disable and direction Selection facility, angular
rotation / pulse: 1.8° / 0.9°
Lead / Ball Screw Linear Guide ways Mechanical Mechanism X-Y Movement
and Robotic Jaw with open / close facility.
Electrical with actuator driven mechanism.
Equivalent Digital inputs- 14, Digital outputs- 10. PC interface
facility, PC-PLC interfacing cable.
Ladder Programming Software.