Optical Disc (Magnetic)

Optical Disc (Magnetic)

Product Code:

500 mm diameter, steel disc is faced with matt white, marked every 5º, with extended lines every 10º & 30º; cross lines mark the center.

The disc is mounted on a 25 mm diameter steel tube 390 mm long which fits into a stable base with levelling feet. The disc rotates about its centre & can be locked in any desired position. The lamp house holds a 12V, 24W axial filament lamp. This lamp house is covered by a rotatable outer shield that has various slots. By rotating the shield, light beams of varying width as well as narrow single, double & triple beams can be provided. Attached to the lamp house is an adjustable lens carrier with lens to provide diverging, parallel or converging light beams. The lamp house is mounted on a rotatable arm that can be locked in any position. A sliding weight on the arm acts as a counterpoise. All optical elements are supplied with magnets attached so that they can be attached at any place on the disc. The disc is supplied complete with accessories.

Optical Disc (Magnetic) Manufacturers & OEM Exporters for Educational Physics Lab Experiments.