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Physics Equipments Models
EPW-PECS-0008 Power Supply A.C/D.C Low Tention
PYINLAB490001 Lab LED Microscope Series Plan Objectives
PYINLAB710003 Lab Axial Flow Turbine Test Bed
PYINLAB620001 Lab Cement Samplers
HA-PHET-0037 Hypsometer Copper
ELS-PEST-0030 Rubbing Cloth Woolen
LOP-PLIT-0074 Ray Track Apparatus
PYINLAB470003 Buchner Funnel 90 mm Porcelain
PYINLAB400001 Lab Transparent Adhesive Tape
WS-PWSO-0010 Ripple Tank
PYINLAB320002 Lab Flame Spreader
PYINLAB320001 Lab Electric Burner
PYINLAB470001 Lab Plastic Funnel
MMW-PMCH-0051 Perspex Container
PYINLAB100001 Boyles Law Apparatus Lab
FLM-PFMC-0022 Hydrometer Universal
PYINLAB550002 Lab Flexure Testing Machine Digital
PYINLAB300002 Lab Serological Water Bath
HA-PHET-0004 Bar and Gauge
PYINLAB210002 Lab Microslide Photosynthesis
PYINLAB600003 Lab Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
LOP-PLIT-0060 Pin Hole Camera
PYINLAB330003 Lab Chromatography Column Pyrex
FLM-PFMC-0004 Barometer Siphon Tube
WS-PWSO-0001 Buzzer in Vacuum
PYINLAB770001 Lab CNC Mill Trainer
PYINLAB420003 Lab Geometry Set
MMW-PMCH-0049 Pendulum Simple Lead
PYINLAB560001 Lab Bending Stress In a Beam with Data Acquisition
EET-PETY-0074 Resistance Box (Brass Contact Blocks)
PYINLAB790002 Lab Red Wood Viscometer
WS-PWSO-0009 Resonance Apparatus Tubes
PYINLAB770002 Lab CNC Lathe Trainer
LOP-PLIT-0055 Perspex Block Rectangular
EET-PETY-0071 Potentiometer 4 Wire
PYINLAB440002 Lab Reagent Bottles
PYINLAB10003 Lab Linear Airtrack and Blower 2 Meter
EET-PETY-0002 Ballistic Galvanometer
PYINLAB230001 Lab Tulgren Funnel
LOP-PLIT-0065 Prism Hollow Slab
EET-PETY-0031 Interscale For Demonstration Meter
PYINLAB80002 Demonstration Motor AC/DC Lab
EET-PETY-0018 Demonstration Dynamo Model A.C
WS-PWSO-0029 Vibrator Electrical (Meldes Apparatus)
LOP-PLIT-0044 Optical Bench Accessories Ground Glass Screen
ELS-PEST-0033 Van De Graff Generators - Accessories
WS-PWSO-0033 Whirling Table
EET-PETY-0092 Wire Nichrome
MG-PMAG-0028 Dip Needle
MG-PMAG-0026 Demountable Transformer
MMW-PMCH-0102 Youngs Modulus Apparatus
EET-PETY-0023 Demonstration Meter
PYINLAB70002 Van de Graaff Generator Motor or Hand Driven Lab
LOP-PLIT-0048 Optical Bench Accessories Object Needle, Mounted
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